Interesting “Ámon” references
Certain occurrences of the name “Ámon” are listed here below.

  • Blasius Amon (or Ammon), was a composer in Tirol Austria, 1560-1590. He composed masses, motetts, and pieces for organ. His compositions were published by C. Huyigens (DTÖ 38/1 and StudMw, 1931). There is no certain information if he was an ancestor of our Ámon family.

  • Amon was the name of a principal God in Egypt.

  • Tut-Ankh-Amon was a pharaoh in Egypt. His treasures were found by Howard Carter in 1922 and represent significantly high value in respect of the antique Egyptian culture. The tomb which included those treasures was 3300 years old.

  •  In Vienna there are several pages of “Amon” in the phonebook. In Neusiedl am See there are also many Amons. There is a high probability of finding there close relatives. The first house in the village of Neusiedl am See, is a sweet (candy, chocolate) merchant “Amon Süssigkeit Grosshandlung”. There is a chance that this Amon belongs to our family.

  • The word "Amon Ra" in Thai language means "nice lady". I learned this on 1 January 2010, from my lady friend in Bangkok through the Skype.

Link to more "Ámon references":


Business owners in Mosonszentjános in 1899-1904  -   Ámon Pál is in the list a hardware dealer


Moson-Szent-Janos in 1899-1904: Large community of 2761 inhabitants; chair district Magyaróvár; Court of Justice in Györ; district court Magyaróvár. Has volunteer fire association, trade association.

Businesses & Proprietors:
Gasth. (restaurant / Inn): Horváth Franz; Jakits Franz; Mayer Martin; Pölzer Lorenz
Apotheker (Pharmacist): Ninger Gottlieb
Bäcker (Baker): Heisler Josef; Mader Johann; Schneider Johann; Winter Johann
Bank- u. Creditinstitute (Bank & Credit Institution): Mosony-Szentjánosi takarékpénztár reszvény társaság (Sparcassa) ; Director: Paul Amon
Bau- u. Maschinenschlosser (Building Locksmith & Engine/machine fitter): Jaksch Johann; Pasdernik Rudolf
Binder (Barrel maker): Schneider Josef
Eisenhdl. (Hardware dealer): Amon Paul, auch Spezerei
Fleischer (Butcher): Schmidt Martin
Holzhdl. (Wood dealer): Hirsch Jakob; Richter G. [Bau- u. Brenn-], auch Kohlenhdl. ([Lumber- & Fire-], also Coal dealer); Suct Johanner Brenn- u. (Fire-)
Baumaterialien-Lager (Fire- & Building materials warehouse) L. Lanfranconi
Lederhdl. (Leather dealer): Löwin Samuel
Mühle (Mill): Szent-Jánosi gözhengermalon Szárady István és társai
Produktenhdl. (Produce dealer): Auspitz Paul
Schlosser (Locksmith): Seidl Lorenz
Schmiede (Blacksmith): Feimer Johann; Horváth Sziga.; Kohlenberger Johann; Meidlinger Michael; Schwarz Anton
Schuhmacher (Shoe maker): Hiller Paul; Sponner Stefan; Zallecker Michael
Sodawasserfabr. (Soda water maker): Hirsch Jakob
Spezerei- u. Gemischtwarenhdl. (Spices and Groceries Dealer): Amon Adolf; Amon Paul; Hlatky Ferdinand; Kögl Georg; Neufeld Hermann; Schler Paul; Stern Herman; Topf Jakob
Wagner (Carriage maker): Fördösch Paul; Kleiner Josef